Posts tagged Focus
Organisations must be Negotiation Ready!

“Where do we start?” The strategic direction of organisations are most effective when solving problems or leveraging opportunities.

Over the last few years, around the world, I’ve been fortunate to have researched and delivered some negotiation workshops on how and why organisations need to develop teams of negotiators and not just individual stars.

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Negotiation, Technology and Success!

Clearly in most negotiations involving technology it is becoming harder for negotiators on the supply side to show the strategic value of the technology to organisations on the buying side.

Clarity is required not around the features and benefits, but around the value piece.

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Negotiation, Sugar and Focus!

Recently, I worked with a team on a live negotiation with a private hospital. The deal was for medical supplies and drugs worth about $25 million a year for a three-year contract.

During the preparation I noticed two behaviours in the team. First, team members could not focus on preparation. The culprit being constantly handling their smart phones. Second, how quickly the team’s energy levels dropped during the day.

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