Posts tagged Action
Impossible Problems can be solved if you see a different future!

In the last blog, we looked at the Impossible Problem Innovation Model® and started to deconstruct the concept of an impossible problem.

Let’s continue that focus because too quickly, people bypass the concept of clarity around a problem or opportunity. If you want to innovate and solve an impossible problem or leverage a fantastic opportunity you need to put in the work upfront to make that happen.

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How Can You Change Made-up Minds? - Part 1

Regularly, clients ask how to change others minds, especially when it appears the other person has made up their mind and seems unlikely to change.  Sometimes this is because you are not trying to persuade the other person, you are just giving them your opinion and then getting frustrated because they don’t agree with you. But let’s assume you have tried some professional ways to persuade and you are stuck.  In a series of blogs, we will give you some ideas to get unstuck and to get other people to change their minds.

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