Negotiating for Leaders


learn to perfect your negotiation skills and achieve better results - change the focus to value

For today's leaders, negotiation is a vital skill needed to achieve results in a range of business interactions. When you understand how to effectively negotiate, you can plan and achieve better outcomes in every situation without creating conflict. Negotiation is a skill that can be learned and practiced to achieve required outcomes.

The Negotiating for Leaders program utilises international research to demonstrate how executives and managers can effectively influence and negotiate to achieve and sustain beyond the ability of their competitors.

Highly practical in its nature, this program will be immediately applicable. It will set the foundation for positive change and will provide you the skills to obtain desired outcomes from any negotiation process. It features interactive discussion, facilitated group work, skills based exercises and negotiation simulations.

Stephen’s real-world examples were great as well as his ability to make me challenge my own thoughts.
— Ben Seedman, Manager, Commonwealth Bank

Who should attend:

This course will benefit senior managers, functional managers, department heads and executives who have responsibility for influencing employees and negotiating with major stakeholders

Program outcomes:

You will learn to:

  • Analyse negotiation situations in order to choose the best approach
  • Identify common mistakes and pitfalls
  • Make sound decisions during the negotiation
  • Apply the negotiation framework to your business, department or company
  • Recognise and use key negotiating styles
  • Determine your preferred style and how to adapt in different situations
  • Develop negotiating skills using interactive models and case studies
  • Understand how value, both perceived and real plays a critical role in all negotiations

For more information:

or call us on: +61 2 9450 1040