Rapid Results from Teams®

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identify problems, seize opportunities and select solutions fast and capture value

In your company you will face increasing pressure to produce more for less. More with less time, more with less money, more with less people. You will be faced with tough problems more and more often, so you need a tool to help you solve these problems fast.

This workshop stretches your teams thinking by making the problems harder, so they can solve the problems faster. Rapid Results from Teams ® uses reason and imagination to innovate and deliver fresh practical solutions.

In the workshop you will use the globally acclaimed Idea Pack© to generate breakthrough ideas - to produce results fast.

Most companies have limited resources (time, money and people) to exploit ideas. So, after creating lots of good ideas, it is critical to use a process to help choose the best idea to work on.

The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.
— John Maynard Keynes

Who should attend:

Senior managers and functional managers who want to solve business problems fast.

Representatives from different departments who can influence the solution of a complex problem.

Companies who want to work with their customers to: solve a serious problem or seize an exciting opportunity.

Program Outcomes:

This workshop will deliver breakthrough actions to solve practical business problems fast and it will create: 

  • Value for your clients

  • Value for your team

  • Value for your business

For more information:

email: gary@gordianbusiness.com.au
or call us on: +61 2 9450 1040